Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) promotes the development of older adult ministries and the value of such ministries. POAMN’s mission includes nurturing the faith community, equipping leadership, and resourcing congregations and other organizations that minister to, for, and with older adults. POAMN seeks to encourage ministries that affirm the dignity and value of the multiple generations of aging adults with a focus on spirituality, wellness, care, and social involvement. Its purpose is to educate, advocate, develop and share resources, and train leaders by raising awareness around issues facing aging adults and those who serve those aging adults, all in a covenant relationship with the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

One of the roles of POAMN is to provide resources, information, and answers to your questions. We are always searching for answers about the meaning and purpose of our lives, and we seek to express those answers in how we live. We question what is truly important. We build relationships with others and with God, which we might value highly or just take for granted. The searching, expressing, questioning and relating are part of our spiritual self. As we grow older, our spiritual self changes along with our physical, mental and emotional selves. The spiritual life that satisfied us when we were younger may no longer satisfy us, as we grow older. Many have found that serving God and serving others plays an important role in the spiritual life of aging adults.

Through our POAMN Network, the PNN Newsletter, The Older Adult Ministry Planning Guide, Older Adult Ministry Certificate Program in collaboration with Columbia Theological Seminary Lifelong Learning, and our Regional and National Conferences every year we do our best to stay well-informed and address the questions and concerns we all face on the journey of aging.


POAMN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which provides the framework for recognizing the gifts and challenges of growing older in the life of the church. POAMN has worked since 1982 to promote the development of Older Adult Ministries and the value of such a ministry within PC(U.S.A.).


The Office of Christian Formation in the Presbyterian Mission Agency has partnered with five associations to support age and stage formation across a lifetime of Christian formation. POAMN is proud to be a part of the Christian Formation Collective with Association of Partners in Christian Educators (APCE), UKirk, Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association (PCCCA), and Presbyterian Youth Workers’ Association (PYWA). We partner with the Office of Christian Formation and with one another to support faith formation through new initiatives, leadership training and support and equipping our leaders for ministry. See the work of the Christian Formation Collective. You can also find out about our partners and the resources they offer by going to each of their websites.


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POAMN events are open to participants from any denomination or faith tradition


Message us with any questions. We're here to help.